Goals for 2015!


Two weeks into the new year, it’s time to wish you all a very happy new year! 2014 was an amazing year for us, and we are super excited to see what 2015 has to offer! Let’s talk resolutions …


Live healthy. After six years of studying and excuses like ‘no time or money’, it’s time for me to invest in creating a healthy way of  living. Over the last few years I became a lazy couch potato , even though I loved working out before. I never seemed to persevere longer than a few weeks. This year I want to improve my physical fitness. I want to be able to run 5 or 10 kilometers, because right now I feel like throwing up after 2 kilometers. As a part of this commitment I also want to become more conscious about what products I fuel my body with. I want to eat more healthy raw products with less sugar and unhealthy fats. Finally I decided to quit drinking alcohol. I already was someone who rarely drank alcohol, so this commitment isn’t that hard for me, it’s just something that I want to do for myself. I feel proud to say: “I don’t drink”.

Live life. Each year I make the resolution to live life to the fullest. This for me is a reminder to think positive and enjoy the little things in live every day. A few years ago I decided to fight the negative thoughts and always look for the positive. The negative things in life are not worth the energy or time. This because I think that the more time you give negativity, the more it will be present in your daily life. There will always be situations where it’s hard to see something positive but always remember: every day may not be good, but there’s something good in every day.

Be more creative. In this world full of technology I tend to get shallow-brained and lazy. I spent way to many hours watching series, scrolling through facebook and sitting on my lazy ass. This year I would like to spend more time getting creative. This can be by reading books where your imagination can do it’s own work, doing crafts, writing stories, taking pictures etc. I want to limit the technology time and just do oldskool fun things more often.

Resolutions 2015


It’s time to confess… I never had any new year’s resolutions! Personally, I believe you should be able to change your life at any moment, no matter what time of the year it is. Whether it’s January, May or even December. Also, I probably wouldn’t keep them…

But looking at Han’s list, I have to admit I’m a little jealous. I wish I could make these resolutions at the beginning of the year and stick to them. Although I have to say that I can already cross some of them off my list. I went on vacation alone to the US in September, I started eating more healthy in October, by starting the day with a vitamin rich breakfast (bye bye Nutella); I started crafting again in November (hello knitting needles); I took loads of pictures last year, and in January I started working out!

So actually, I kind of have resolutions too in a way, but they’re just spread over the year ;) This could be a good tip for those of you who are struggling with that endless list of resolutions. Just spread them over the whole year, and have a new challenge every month!

Let’s make it a memorable year!

Han and Sandy


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